Power of Attorney

Have you ever thought about who would make important choices on your behalf if you were no longer able to? Although no one likes to consider such a situation, creating a Lasting Power of Attorney can protect your best interests.

Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) allow others to do things for you, be it handling your finances, going to the bank, selling your home or arranging medical treatment. There is a form for ‘Property and Financial Affairs’ and a separate form for ‘Health and Welfare’ decisions. 

The main benefits of setting up an LPA now are:

  • It ensures that only those who you trust can make decisions and act on your behalf
  • Those looking after your affairs can only do things which are in your best interests and while you have mental capacity you are the ultimate decision maker
  • There are lots of different options in the application form to make the LPA fit your individual circumstances
  • It is advisable to get an LPA set up well before you need it. It is more expensive, time consuming and stressful for someone to help you with your affairs if you lose mental capacity

Many of our customers have enquired whether it is still possible to arrange an LPA from the comfort of their home, the answer is yes! We offer our customers the following service:

  • An initial telephone meeting to offer advice on setting up an LPA. We would only need to see the person creating the LPA once, but this can be done at a social distance in our office or at home if required
  • We will tailor your LPA to suit your needs and maximise the practicality
  • We then register and store the original LPA or a copy in safekeeping for you
  • We offer a start to finish LPA service which usually takes on average two to three months to complete from the submission of the application

Our fees:

  • Highly competitive fees of £400 + VAT for one LPA, £500 + VAT for two LPAs
  • If a couple require two each (for both Financial and Health & Welfare decisions) it is £600 + VAT
  • Please note there is also an additional fee payable to the Office of the Public Guardian which is £82 per form unless an exemption or remission applies

With our consultation we will help you make life that little bit simpler for you and your relatives. Our LPA specialists will advise you of all your options and explain the process simply without legal jargon.

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